
11 of the Worst Bad Boss Stories of the Week

Another work week is done, and like every work week before it, people spent it dealing with their bad bosses. Here are 11 of the worst bad bosses from the past seven days, as told by people on the r/antiwork subreddit. 

A common theme of poor managers is, well, poor managing; especially in regards to things like time management, consistency, and honesty. One story here involves a worker discovering that they had been let go for missing too much time, despite receiving assurances from their manager that that would not be the case. The employee was just a student working their summer restaurant job and informed their manager that once classes started, their schedule would not be the same. But while the manager seemed okay with this in person, the supervisor decided termination was the only way to go. 

Along similar lines, a European hotel worker revealed that he had been let go in retaliation for using sick days. The employee stated that he'd only been sick twice in multiple months working for the hotel, but apparently, that was too much for the manager, who confronted him, and subsequently fired him. Yeah, some bosses really do stink. Here are those stories, and nine more. 

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